Buffalo is experiencing an economic renaissance with the redevelopment of downtown. Over the last few years, Downtown Buffalo has seen more than $3 Billion in public and private investment. This compliments the $100 Million in street-scape and infrastructure projects that have recently been completed or that are scheduled to take place in the near future.  Investment in the business sector, coupled with approximately 1,000 residential units that have been added to the downtown footprint, make for an exciting era in the redevelopment of downtown Buffalo. The Queen City Hub Plan, Buffalo's award winning action plan for the revitalization of downtown Buffalo, recognizes downtown as a regional center for entertainment, culture, education, health care, and life sciences research.  Click here for more information on the Queen City Hub Plan (Vol 1, Vol 2).


Redevelopment of the Mohawk Street Parking Ramp: We want to hear from you!

The City of Buffalo would like to hear your input on the redevelopment of the 1.1 -acre Mohawk Parking Ramp, located at 477 Washington St!

This project presents a unique opportunity to create a substantial mixed-use development near some of Buffalo's largest office buildings, prized entertainment and restaurant venues, and transit including NFTA metro rail and numerous NFTA bus lines. The City would love to hear comments from residents on what they would like to see in this project

The survey can be reached here http://www.buffalony.gov/1407/Mohawk-Ramp-Public-Engagement


2018 Downtown Housing Demand Study

This market study provides a snapshot of Downtown Buffalo's Housing Market along with other data to help inform strategies to continue downtown's reviatalization.

/documents//Downtown Buffalo Clear View_digital 003 - final.pdf


2016 Downtown Development Guide

Identifying investment opportunities in Downtown Buffalo is simple following the release of the 2016 Downtown Development Guide. This 12 page booklet provides investors, developers and businesses with key pieces of information such as downtown statistics and demographics as well as an overview of the development projects transforming the urban core. The guide also identifies over 20 properties totaling 21.5 acres that are well suited for redevelopment along with a listing of available tools, resources, and incentives for adaptive reuse projects. 

The guide was formed through a collaborative effort by Mayor Byron W. Brown, Chairman of Buffalo Urban Development Corporation, Buffalo Niagara Enterprise, Buffalo Niagara Partnership, CBRE Buffalo and Buffalo Place with funding provided by National Grid. 

To view the 2016 Downtown Development Guide, click here


Buffalo Building Reuse Report

In December 2010, City of Buffalo's Mayor Byron W. Brown formally asked the Buffalo-Niagara Partnership to organize and manage a group of experienced business leaders and economic development professionals to make recommendations to build on The Queen City Hub Planand improve the competitiveness of downtown Buffalo. In direct response, the Partnership formed the Buffalo Building Reuse Project (BBRP). Click here for more information about the BBRP. Click here for the 2011 Downtown Residential Demand study.


Current & Proposed Projects

With millions of new investment taking place, Buffalo is experiencing a remarkable and visible change downtown.  Projects such as the Lafayette Hotel along with the expansions of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus (BNMC), Canalside, and Larkinville illustrate the rebirth of downtown Buffalo. Take a look at some of the new developments on track to take place in the downtown area, here to see them by status or here to see them by type.


Infrastructure & Public Realm

Infrastructure, streetscape, and public realm improvements help to support new development and the growth of neighborhoods. These improvements provide the necessary framework and linkages that help new developments thrive.  The "Cars Sharing Main Street"project and upgrades to the Elm-Oak corridor are just a few examples of the public realm enhancements to downtown Buffalo. Right-of-way improvements, lighting, traffic calming measures, and upgrades for cyclists and pedestrians make downtown Buffalo an accessible place to live, work, and play.

Click here for planned improvements to the Elm/Oak Corridor.


Infrastructure and Public Realm Master Plan

BUDC released an Infrastructure & Public Realm Master Plan ("Master Plan") for downtown Buffalo in 2015. The Master Plan serves as a guide for infrastructure improvements necessary for a more vibrant downtown.  The Master Plan establishes a vision, objectives and decision making criteria to guide downtown infrastructure and public realm investments over the next decade. It seeks to address downtown access, the quality of the streets, streetscapes, open spaces, public art and develop better linkages between downtown assets to create a more walkable, cohesive downtown. The final product will be used as a tool attract and encourage new public and private investments to help further transform the footprint of the downtown Buffalo. 

Click here to view the Infrastructure and Public Realm Master Plan Executive Summary

Click here to view the complete Infrastructure and Public Realm Master Plan

Shelton Square – Erie Street Greenway Plan

The Shelton Square – Erie Street Greenway Project looks to create a walkable, linear public space along the Erie Street corridor, by utilizing a series of existing parks and greenspaces, to create a cohesive, walkable connection of investments and activities from downtown to the waterfront. The implementation of consistent wayfinding throughout the corridor will simplify the navigation of the greenway. The project will utilize existing right-of-ways and green spaces to offer additional space to encourage more use, improve pedestrian access, resulting in additional private-sector investment that adds to the overall quality of life of residents, students, employees and visitors.

See the concept plan here /documents/Downtown/Shelton Square - Erie Street Greenway Concept Plan

Available Sites

Downtown has many exciting opportunities for development.  Click here for a listing of potential sites for development.


Preservation Ready Buildings

BUDC has prepared a survey of buildings in downtown that are potentially eligible for Historic Preservation Tax Credits Preservation Ready Survey



Need assistance in developing a site or opening a business in downtown Buffalo? Looking for incentives or technical assistance with a project? Contact Brandye Merriweather, Vice President - Downtown Development at 716-856-6525 ext. 131.


Resource Partners

City of Buffalo www.city-buffalo.com
Buffalo-Niagara Partnership www.thepartnership.org
Buffalo Place, Inc. www.buffaloplace.com
Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus www.bnmc.org
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation    www.eriecanalharbor.com
Larkin Development www.larkindg.com
Buffalo Niagara Enterprise www.buffaloniagara.org
Working for Downtown www.workingfordowntown.org